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Aug 2024

A Closer Look at Various E-Scan MicroCurrent HVLD Series

A Closer Look at Various E-Scan MicroCurrent HVLD Series

Ensuring the integrity of container closures is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical and medical product safety. Container Closure Integrity Testing (CCIT) is essential to confirm that containers such as vials, syringes, and ampoules maintain their seal and protect the contents from contamination throughout their shelf life.

E-Scan MicroCurrent High Voltage Leak Detection (HVLD) technology has emerged as the optimal solution in advancing CCIT methodologies. E-Scan MicroCurrent HVLD technology significantly enhances container closure integrity testing by providing accurate, non-destructive, and efficient solutions. Its integration into CCIT processes helps ensure that pharmaceutical and medical products are safe, reliable, and of the highest quality.

MicroCurrent HVLD for Pharmaceutical Package Testing

MicroCurrent HVLD is a non-destructive method for evaluating the integrity of container closures in non-porous pharmaceutical and parenteral products. This technique utilizes low electrical current to detect leaks in various liquid-filled products, including those with extremely low conductivity such as sterile water for injection (WFI) and products containing proteins or suspensions. Unlike conventional HVLD technology, MicroCurrent HVLD reduces product voltage exposure to less than 5%, eliminating any potential risk to the product and reducing ozone formation during testing.

In this method, high voltage probes scan the container. One side is subjected to high voltage, while a ground probe is attached to the other side. If the container is intact, both sides offer complete electrical resistance, and no significant current passes through. However, if a micro-leak or fracture is present, resistance breaks down, allowing current to flow through the defect. HVLD is unique among leak detection methods as it does not require mass to pass through the defect site; instead, it transmits electricity through the crack.

E-Scan Technologies: E-Scan 605, E-Scan 615, E-Scan 655, E-Scan RTX

E-Scan 605: E-Scan 605 is designed for non-destructive evaluation of container closure integrity in pharmaceutical and parenteral products. Its rapid testing capabilities make it a cost-effective and efficient solution for ensuring the integrity of parenterals.

E-Scan 615: E-Scan 615 is designed to handle a wider range of product types and configurations, making it suitable for more complex testing scenarios. It ensures accurate detection of leaks, providing high levels of safety and quality assurance for pharmaceutical packaging. With its easy operator HMI screen, the E-Scan 615 enhances workflow efficiency.

E-Scan 655: E-Scan 655 is the advanced analytical version in the E-Scan series, offering enhanced capabilities for container closure integrity testing. It uses state-of-the-art MicroCurrent HVLD technology to provide highly accurate leak detection across a broad spectrum of pharmaceutical and parenteral products. The E-Scan 655 is equipped with advanced features for handling diverse product sizes and shapes, ensuring comprehensive testing coverage.

E-Scan RTX: E-Scan RTX represents the latest innovation in the E-Scan product line, offering a comprehensive technology for automated container closure integrity testing. It incorporates advanced MicroCurrent HVLD techniques with automated pick & place of pre-filled syringes. Its intuitive interface and automated testing capabilities make it a powerful tool for ensuring the highest standards of product integrity and safety of pre-filled syringes.

E-Scan MicroCurrent HVLD Series offers a powerful solution for parenteral container closure integrity testing. Its advanced technology, combined with its non-destructive nature, reduced voltage exposure, and automation features, ensures high-quality, reliable testing results. By integrating these systems into CCIT processes, pharmaceutical and medical industries can uphold the highest standards of product safety and efficacy.

hvld, container closure integrity testing, container closure integrity
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