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Jan 2024

Ensuring Pouch Packaging Quality - Rapid and Reliable Pouch Seal Inspection with Seal-Sensor Technology

Ensuring Pouch Packaging Quality - Rapid and Reliable Pouch Seal Inspection with Seal-Sensor Technology

Pouch packaging is a versatile and flexible form of packaging that utilizes materials like films and foils to create sealed pouches capable of containing a variety of products, including pharmaceuticals. These pouches can be designed in different shapes and sizes, offering adaptability to the specific requirements of the packaged goods.

Pouch packaging has become increasingly prevalent in various industries, and its significance is particularly pronounced in the life science sector. In the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, pouch packaging serves several critical purposes. It ensures the protection of medical products from external factors such as light, moisture, and contaminants, preserving their efficacy and shelf life. Pouches also provide a convenient and user-friendly way for patients to access and use their medications. Additionally, the lightweight and compact nature of pouches can contribute to cost-effective and sustainable packaging solutions.

What is Pouch Seal Inspection and Why is it Important?

Pouch seal inspection is the process of thoroughly examining the seals of pouches to ensure they are intact and free from defects. The seals play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the packaged product, preventing contamination, and preserving its quality. Any compromise in pouch seal integrity can lead to issues such as product spoilage, reduced efficacy, or even potential harm to consumers. Thus, stringent quality control measures, including pouch seal inspection, are imperative in the pharmaceutical industry.

Pouch Seal Integrity Testing Using Seal-Sensor Technology:

Seal-Sensor™ represents a cutting-edge Airborne Ultrasonic Technology designed for seamless online applications, ensuring the non-destructive inspection of final pouch seals. This innovative method stands out for its deterministic, quantitative, rapid, and reliable approach to identifying defects in pouch seals.

Unlike traditional visual inspections, Seal-Sensor™ has the capability to detect a range of issues that may be imperceptible to the naked eye, such as incomplete seals, partial or weak areas, and various other common defects. Despite these defects appearing visually acceptable, they can significantly impact the quality, value, and shelf-life of the packaged product.

The technology operates efficiently with a single linear scan, known as the L-Scan, which completes in less than one second. This quick process not only ensures minimal disruption to production but also delivers a PASS/FAIL result immediately. Furthermore, Seal-Sensor™ provides quantitative, traceable data, offering a comprehensive analysis of the seal quality.

Benefits of Seal-Sensor Technology

  • Deterministic inspection method producing quantitative results
  • Non-destructive, non-invasive, no sample preparation
  • Works for any material and combinations, regardless of color, transparency, print, surface finish and porosity
  • Can be integrated for 100% online defect detection of the final pouch seal
  • Repeatable and reliable results
  • Eliminates subjective, manual vision inspection methods
pouch seal inspection, seal sensor, pouch packaging, airborne ultrasonic technology, pouch seal integrity

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